The Sixth Form Day

You will receive your timetable when you start with us, which will include five hours for each subject you study. You will also need to study independently for each subject, which will include completing work that is set, reading through and revising from your notes, or doing further reading. For each subject you can expect to do up to five hours of independent study a week, although this will of course vary.  

Students who are not on track to meet their targets may be allocated additional supervised study sessions and personal intervention sessions. Therefore, it is important that you are available during free periods if requested.

Lesson timetable



09:20 - 11:15

Lessons 1 and 2

11:15 - 11:35


11:35 - 13:30

Lessons 3 and 4

13:30 - 14:05


14:05 - 15:05

Lesson 5

15:05 - 16:05

Lesson 6 (additional study)