
We expect our students to be proud to belong to Jane Austen College and represent the college positively, so it is important that they are smartly dressed in full college uniform. Our standards are high and the college uniform should be worn correctly every day.

Please help us to maintain these high standards by ensuring students are appropriately dressed when they leave for school each day.

Our main uniform supplier is Stevensons. Unless otherwise stated, all items of uniform should be purchased through our official supplier.

Visit the Stevensons website

Call Stevensons 01603 622355

Uniform rules

For 2024, Year 7 pupils will all be expected to wear: 

  • A college branded blazer with logo
  • A plain white closed neck shirt, top button done up
  • College tie 
  • College kilt or smart, tailored black trousers 
  • Black socks
  • Black, formal, polishable shoes
  • A red knitted V-neck sweater is optional 

Our blazer, tie and kilt, as well as branded PE kit is available from Stevensons, in Norwich. 

Our mandatory PE kit includes:

  • College branded Black/Red Half-Zip Mid-Layer Top  
  • College branded Red/Black Polo Shirt
  • There is a choice of plain black sports bottoms:  
  • Tracksuit Bottoms
  • Long Shorts - not cycling shorts 
  • Skort
  • Sports Leggings
  • Black Sports Socks

Optional PE kits: 

  • Long-Sleeved Black or Red Base Layer 

Pupils in Year 8 to 10 will be transitioning to the above but, can currently wear:

Option A: Kilt with an open necked winged collar shirt ("blouse")

Option B: Trousers with a closed necked shirt, top button done up & tie


  • One pair of small metal stud earrings may be worn. No facial piercings are permitted.
  • Ear tunnels, stretchers and plugs are not permitted.
  • No rings, necklaces or bracelets are to be worn, apart from medical alert jewellery.
  • A watch may be worn.
  • Make-up is not to be worn until students are in Year 9, at which point if a student chooses to wear make-up it should be subtle and discreet. Nail varnish or false nails should not be worn.
  • Hairstyles and colours should not be extreme and be natural. We would strongly suggest that parents discuss hairstyles and colours with the school beforehand if they are in any doubt as to whether they might be considered extreme. This will avoid potential issues.

Uniform Policy




  • Grey Blazer with logo
  • Smart, tailored black trousers or knee-length kilt
  • Long-sleeved white shirt
  • Red and grey school tie
  • Red v-neck jumper (optional)
  • Smart, black, leather or leather ‘look’ shoes - no trainers, heels or boots
  • Shoes should be worn with black socks or thick/opaque black tights (white socks are no longer permitted)

Shirts can be purchased from any retailer as long as they are smart school shirts of the same style as the shirts available through our supplier. If in doubt please check with the school. Short-sleeved shirts can be worn in the summer term only.

Shoes, PE trainers, coats, and bags can be purchased from any retailer.

Bags and coats

  • Coats are to be smart without large logos and branding. We would encourage parents to choose coats with reflective strips, for safety. Hoodies are not permitted.
  • Bags should be predominantly black, without large logos and branding. Bags need to be suitable for carrying student books and equipment e.g. backpack or satchel styles.
  • Students may also use our red Jane Austen College PE bags if they choose.

PE kit

PE kit 

  • Black or red half-zip mid-layer top with academy logo

  • Black or red unisex polo top with academy logo

  • Black sports bottoms or tracksuit bottoms 

  • Long shorts (not cycling shorts)

  • Sports leggings with academy logo

  • Black sports socks

  • Black or red half-zip rain jacket (optional) 

  • Black long sleeved base layer (optional)

The midlayer and/or rain jacket are the only outer layers permitted for all year groups.

If your child has lost their PE kit or needs to buy a new one, this can be purchased from Stevensons, either online or in-store (67 Ber St, Norwich, NR1 3AD). If you are in the process of ordering a new PE kit for your child, a similar alternative is acceptable (sports wear) for a short period, so your child is still able to participate in their PE lessons. Please do let us know if this is the case. 

Our expectation is that students change for PE, if they are unwell or injured, unless their injury prevents them from changing easily. Students can still take in an alternative role in the lesson, such as coaching or umpiring to ensure they are still learning and making progress.

Thank you for supporting us with ensuring high standards and expectations are met at Jane Austen College. If you would like to discuss this in more detail, please feel free to contact me via contact with the school reception. 



There are a number of items that a student needs to be able to take a full and active part in learning at Jane Austen College. These are outlined below and should be carried by students at all times.

The JAC Way Equipment List

- Pencil case

- 1 black pen

- 1 green pen

- 1 pencil

- 1 mini whiteboard pen

- 1 rubber

- 1 ruler

- 1 protractor

- 1 compass

- 1 glue stick

- 1 scientific calculator (Casio FX-83GT)

- 1 reading book (can be borrowed from the library)


Replacement equipment is available for students to purchase from Student Services at the beginning of the school day, at break time, and at lunch time. Each item costs 10p.

Help with uniform costs

Help with uniform costs

The Anguish's Educational Foundation offers grants to help pay for school uniform and other educational costs for families living in Norwich. Please visit their website for more details.

Visit the Anguish's Educational Foundation website