Keeping Children Safe

At Jane Austen College we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our young people.

To achieve this we ensure the continuous development and improvement of robust safeguarding processes and procedures that promote a culture of safeguarding within our staff and volunteers.

We expect all our staff to undertake a full enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check. For further information on how we keep children safe, please see our safeguarding policy.

All safeguarding concerns are reported on CPOMS.

For further information, see our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

If you have any concerns about a safeguarding issue, or want to know more about the services below, please use the following contact details.


Lindsey O'Neill - Designated Safeguarding Lead

01603 463800

Beverley Thurston - Alternative Designated Safeguarding Lead

01603 463800

Key External Contact Numbers for Students and Parents

Norfolk County Council Children’s Services customer services helpline (duty team)Police child abuse investigation unitLocal area designated officer (LADO)Local area designated officer (LADO)

Department for Education extremism concerns

CRISIS - 0337261800Child Line - 0800 1111 Child LineChildren’s SocietyFood Bank

Beat - Eating Disorders

JustOneNorfolkKOOTHMINDSamaritansSocial Care Hub - (Choose option 2)National Health Advice Line

NIDAS - Domestic AbuseNHS WebsiteNSPCCPolice - EMERGENCYPolice - Non EmergencyYoung Minds


Resources for parents and pupils with SEND

National Autistic Society – guidance and helpline for parents, young people and staff

Mencap - Easy Read guide to CoronavirusPlace2Be – Guide to helping parents answer questions from their children and to support family wellbeingYoung Minds - Talking to your child about Coronavirus and 10 tips from their Parents Helpline to support family wellbeingCarers UK - Guidance for carers